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What I'm doing 

May 2023


In order to unlock my full creative potential, I am actively seeking out other creatives and like-minded individuals to collaborate with and learn from. 

I am committed to incorporating a daily meditation practice into my routine to help cultivate inner peace and mindfulness. I am dedicated to exploring and overcoming any obstacles that may be present in my current relationship. I am also passionate about growing my brand and sharing my message with a wider audience through my books and other content.

By prioritizing these areas of my life, I am confident that I will continue to grow and evolve into the best version of myself.

People who inspired me

I'm currently drawn to Jordan Peterson's grounded perspective on the world, and I appreciate his mission.

Joe Rogan's fearlessness in exploring new ideas also keeps me engaged.

Recently, I discovered Jonathan Pageau and I'm excited to learn more from his insights.

Music I'm listening to

Projects I am working on

Currently, I'm collaborating on the building of a conscious community, while readying myself to transmit book two of the series!
I'm creating with my good friend Jake and others a food sustainability system that involves permaculture and animal husbandry.

Hummingbird for Seal_dark green.png
Hummingbird for Seal_dark green.png


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